Best Excel Reference Book

Over the years, I have used many Excel reference books to continually try to find new tips and tricks. There have been several that have been pretty good. Some were too basic, others just not helpful. This book is aimed at the intermediate level users. This feature made the book attractive as I don’t need …


The VLOOKUP function is widely used to retrieve information from a range of data. Although that function works great, most of the time, it does have some limitations. This article gives a great summary of when to use INDEX/MATCH vs the VLOOKUP function. Of course, soon in Office 365, this will all go away …

Match/Index – Best functions ever!

OK — there is a lot of competitions for the best Excel functions. However, Match and Index have to be near the top of any accountant’s list. There are times that a VLOOKUP, just won’t cut it. Remember, a VLOOKUP requires the lookup value is in the first column of the table array. Sometimes, that …

Excel Tip – Text Functions #1

There are times text needs to be converted to lower case, proper case, or upper case for consistency sake. Excel provides functions to easily convert text in these cases. However, Excel does not convert text to sentence case — the first letter only is capitalized. Using a combination of functions will easily convert text to …